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Nicolas Cowl was a design I have wanted to create for YEARS! Ever since I created Nicolas Bonnet I have had the idea for a cowl floating around in my head but never had the time or occasion to make it. My prop shop took up all my time so I just put it on the back burner, filed away in my memory banks for a later date, just praying I’d get to it some day.

Until… The Christmas of 2022!

Our new church has a ladies gift exchange every year. I knew EXACTLY what to do. And when I tell you I was giddy, I mean I was all kinds of giggling when I was pulling the yarn out of my stash.

I used my favorite fluffy, soft yarn – Knitpicks Wonderfluff. It makes the cowl light as air but still so warm and snuggly. You can get the yarn here.

It is such a quick little knit too. I had it completed in 1 afternoon. So if you need to knit up a gift last minute this is perfect for that.

The cables are not as hard as they appear. There are a couple twists to get the stitches all lined up from the ribbing, followed by 1 big cable over 5 stitches repeated twice. I know it looks complicated but I promise, it isn’t that bad if you have any practice with cables.

My daughter (who modeled it for me) has requested one for herself. Let’s just say she was a little put out that she couldn’t keep it.

You can get the materials for Nicolas Cowl here.

picture of nicolas cowl in use

Materials and Info


2 skeins of Knitpicks Wonderfluff (142yds, 50g)

Needle Size

8(US) 5mm 24in circular

Gauge (tension)

18 stitches x 28 rounds in k1p1 ribbing per 10cm

Finished Measurement Laid Flat

8×14.5ins (20x37cms)


This cowl is knit in the round. I used a tubular cast on and sewn bind off so the edges matched but you can use any cast on and bind off you prefer.

Nicolas Cowl Pattern

Cowl Instructions

Cast on 144sts. Join in the round. Place a marker to mark beginning of round. I used a tubular cast on for the aesthetic, but you can use any cast on.

Work in k1p1 ribbing for 1in.

Cable Section

Round 1 – [tf2, k1, p1, k1, tb2, p1] repeat [to] around

Round 2 – [p1, k5, p2] repeat [to] around

Round 3 – [p1, cf5, p2] repeat [to] around

Round 4 – repeat round 2

Round 5 – repeat round 2

Round 6 – repeat round 2

Round 7 – repeat round 3

Round 8 – [p1, k2, p1, k2, p2] repeat [to] around

Round 9 – [tb2, k1, p1, k1, tf2, p1] repeat [to] around

Middle Section

Work in k1p1 ribbing until your work measures 6ins from cast on edge.

Repeat Cable Section

Work in k1p1 ribbing for 1 more inch. Your work should measure approximately 8ins from cast on edge.

Bind off. I used a sewn bind off to match my tubular cast on, but you can use any bind off.


K – knit                                                  

P – purl

tf2 – place the next knit stitch on cable needle, hold in front, purl the next purl stitch, knit the knit stitch from cable needle

tb2 – place the next purl stitch on cable needle, hold in back, knit the next knit stitch, purl the purl stitch on cable needle

cf5 – place the next 2 stitches on cable needle, hold in front, knit the next 3 stitches, knit the stitches from the cable needle

Check out all of our FREE cowl and scarf knitting patterns here.

Download Nicolas Cowl PDF Here

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