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Sammy Bonnet: A Newborn Photo Prop with Subtle Mohair Stripes and Wide Knit Ties

In the enchanting world of newborn photography, capturing the perfect image requires not only skill and patience but also the right props. Among the myriad of choices, hand-knitted bonnets stand out as timeless pieces that add a touch of warmth and charm to every photograph. Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to the Sammy Bonnet—a beautiful newborn photo prop featuring subtle mohair stripes and wide knit ties. While I won’t be including the pattern in this post, I’ll delve into the details that make this bonnet a must-have for any newborn photographer or knitter looking to create something special.

The Magic of Mohair

One of the standout features of the Sammy Bonnet is its use of mohair. Mohair, derived from the Angora goat, is a fiber known for its silky texture and subtle sheen. It’s incredibly soft, making it perfect for delicate newborn skin. The mohair stripes in the Sammy Bonnet add a gentle texture that enhances the bonnet’s visual appeal without overpowering the simplicity of the design. These stripes provide a beautiful contrast to the main yarn, giving the bonnet a sophisticated and dreamy look.

Using mohair in knitting can be a bit challenging due to its slippery nature, but the end result is worth the effort. The key is to maintain an even tension and use needles that provide a bit of grip, such as bamboo or wooden needles. The Sammy Bonnet’s subtle mohair stripes are a testament to the beauty that can be achieved when working with this luxurious fiber.

Wide Knit Ties: A Perfect Finishing Touch

Another distinctive feature of the Sammy Bonnet is its wide knit ties. These ties are not only functional, ensuring the bonnet stays securely on the baby’s head, but they also add a charming aesthetic. The wide ties can be styled in various ways—left to hang loosely, tied in a bow, or wrapped around the baby’s head for a snug fit.

When knitting the ties, it’s important to ensure they are soft and comfortable, as they will be in direct contact with the baby’s delicate skin. Using a soft, non-irritating yarn is crucial. The ties also offer an opportunity to introduce a contrasting texture or color, adding another layer of interest to the bonnet.

Creating the Perfect Newborn Photo Prop

The Sammy Bonnet is designed with both photographers and knitters in mind. For photographers, it’s an ideal prop that complements a wide range of newborn outfits and setups. The subtle mohair stripes and wide knit ties add an element of elegance and sophistication, making it a versatile piece for any photo shoot.

For knitters, the Sammy Bonnet offers a delightful project that combines simplicity with intricate details. The bonnet is knitted in the round, ensuring a seamless finish that’s comfortable for the baby. The subtle mohair stripes require careful attention to detail, but they are not overly complicated, making this pattern suitable for intermediate knitters.

Tips for Knitting the Sammy Bonnet

  1. Yarn Selection: Choose a soft, high-quality yarn for the main body of the bonnet. Merino wool or a soft cotton blend works well. For the mohair stripes, select a fine mohair yarn in a complementary color.
  2. Needles: Use needles that provide good tension control. Circular needles are ideal for knitting in the round, while double-pointed needles can be used for the ties.
  3. Gauge: Achieving the correct gauge is essential for ensuring the bonnet fits properly. Make sure to knit a gauge swatch before starting the project.
  4. Joining Mohair: When adding the mohair stripes, be mindful of your tension. Mohair can be slippery, so knit slowly and carefully to maintain even stitches.
  5. Finishing Touches: Block the bonnet after knitting to enhance the texture and even out the stitches. This will also help to soften the yarn and ensure a comfortable fit for the baby.

Styling the Sammy Bonnet

The Sammy Bonnet’s versatile design makes it a perfect accessory for various newborn photo themes. Here are a few ideas on how to style this beautiful bonnet:

  1. Classic and Timeless: Pair the Sammy Bonnet with a simple white onesie or a knitted romper. The subtle mohair stripes and wide ties will add a touch of elegance without overwhelming the simplicity of the outfit.
  2. Rustic Charm: For a rustic-themed photo shoot, combine the bonnet with earthy tones and natural textures. A knitted blanket in a coordinating color palette will enhance the overall aesthetic.
  3. Seasonal Themes: The Sammy Bonnet can be easily adapted to fit seasonal themes. For a spring shoot, choose pastel colors and pair the bonnet with floral accessories. For a winter shoot, opt for deeper, richer colors and add a cozy knitted blanket.
  4. Whimsical and Fun: Get creative with playful props and vibrant colors. The bonnet’s subtle design will balance out bold accessories, making it a versatile piece for more whimsical setups.

The Joy of Handmade

There is something incredibly special about creating a handmade item for a newborn. The Sammy Bonnet is more than just a photo prop—it’s a labor of love that carries the warmth and care of the knitter’s hands. Whether you are a photographer looking to add a unique prop to your collection or a knitter wanting to create a beautiful gift, the Sammy Bonnet is a perfect choice.

Knitting the Sammy Bonnet is a rewarding experience that combines creativity and skill. The end result is a delicate and elegant bonnet that will undoubtedly become a cherished piece in any newborn’s wardrobe. The subtle mohair stripes and wide knit ties add a touch of sophistication, making this bonnet a standout accessory for any photo shoot.

As you embark on the journey of knitting the Sammy Bonnet, remember to enjoy the process and take pride in the beautiful creation that will bring joy and warmth to both the baby and their family. Happy knitting!

Materials and Info

MATERIALS: appx 80-160yds of sport (3) yarn (I used madiletosh pashmina), 20-40yds of mohair lace (0) yarn (I used knitpicks aloft), Size 6 (4mm) needles, stitch markers, yarn needle

Gauge: appx 5sts/inch Gauge is very important!

Sizes (appx finished head circumference) : newborn (13ins), 0-3mths (14 ins), 3-6mths (15ins), 6-12mths (16ins), 1-3yrs (17ins)

Stitch Key
K – knit
p – purl
K2tog – knit 2 stitches together
MC – main color

Sammy Bonnet Pattern

Cast on 176sts in MC.
Row 1 (wrong side) – purl for 60sts, place marker, purl for 56sts, place marker, purl for the remaining 60sts.
Row 2 (right side) – knit across
Continue working in stockinette st (knitting the right side and purling the wrong side) until you have worked a total of 7 rows.
Bind off row – Bind off LOOSELY to the first marker, knit to next marker (leaving these stitches on your needle to be picked up again in the next row), bind off LOOSELY remaining stitches. In the bind off process you will remove all markers. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st starting with a wrong side row (purl row). Cut yarn.
Join MC work 8 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join MC and work in stockinette st until your work measures appx 4ins from cast on edge ending after completing a wrong side row.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (47sts) Place markers on both ends of this row and leave them on this row.
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (38sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (29sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (20sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (11sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the back tight. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible). Block as necessary.

Cast on 182sts in MC.
Row 1 (wrong side) – purl for 60sts, place marker, purl for 62sts, place marker, purl for the remaining 60sts.
Row 2 (right side) – knit across
Continue working in stockinette st (knitting the right side and purling the wrong side) until you have worked a total of 7 rows.
Bind off row – Bind off LOOSELY to the first marker, knit to next marker (leaving these stitches on your needle to be picked up again in the next row), bind off LOOSELY remaining stitches. In the bind off process you will remove all markers. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st starting with a wrong side row (purl row). Cut yarn.
Join MC work 8 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join MC and work in stockinette st until your work measures appx 4.5ins from cast on edge ending after completing a wrong side row.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (52sts) Place markers on both ends of this row and leave them on this row.
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (42sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (32sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (22sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (12sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the back tight. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible). Block as necessary.

Cast on 188sts in MC.
Row 1 (wrong side) – purl for 60sts, place marker, purl for 68sts, place marker, purl for the remaining 60sts.
Row 2 (right side) – knit across
Continue working in stockinette st (knitting the right side and purling the wrong side) until you have worked a total of 7 rows.
Bind off row – Bind off LOOSELY to the first marker, knit to next marker (leaving these stitches on your needle to be picked up again in the next row), bind off LOOSELY remaining stitches. In the bind off process you will remove all markers. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st starting with a wrong side row (purl row). Cut yarn.
Join MC work 8 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join MC and work in stockinette st until your work measures appx 5ins from cast on edge ending after completing a wrong side row.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (57sts) Place markers on both ends of this row and leave them on this row.
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (46sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (35sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (24sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (13sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the back tight. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible). Block as necessary.

Cast on 192sts in MC.
Row 1 (wrong side) – purl for 60sts, place marker, purl for 72sts, place marker, purl for the remaining 60sts.
Row 2 (right side) – knit across
Continue working in stockinette st (knitting the right side and purling the wrong side) until you have worked a total of 7 rows.
Bind off row – Bind off LOOSELY to the first marker, knit to next marker (leaving these stitches on your needle to be picked up again in the next row), bind off LOOSELY remaining stitches. In the bind off process you will remove all markers. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st starting with a wrong side row (purl row). Cut yarn.
Join MC work 8 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join MC and work in stockinette st until your work measures appx 5.5ins from cast on edge ending after completing a wrong side row.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k5] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (62sts) Place markers on both ends of this row and leave them on this row.
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (52sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (42sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (32sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (22sts)
Row 10 – purl across
Row 11 – k1 [k2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (12sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the back tight. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible). Block as necessary.

Cast on 198sts in MC.
Row 1 (wrong side) – purl for 60sts, place marker, purl for 78sts, place marker, purl for the remaining 60sts.
Row 2 (right side) – knit across
Continue working in stockinette st (knitting the right side and purling the wrong side) until you have worked a total of 7 rows.
Bind off row – Bind off LOOSELY to the first marker, knit to next marker (leaving these stitches on your needle to be picked up again in the next row), bind off LOOSELY remaining stitches. In the bind off process you will remove all markers. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st starting with a wrong side row (purl row). Cut yarn.
Join MC work 8 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join mohair yarn and work 3 rows in stockinette st. Cut yarn.
Join MC and work in stockinette st until your work measures appx 6ins from cast on edge ending after completing a wrong side row.
Row 1 – [k2tog, k11] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (72sts) Place markers on both ends of this row and leave them on this row.
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k5] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (62sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (52sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (42sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (32sts)
Row 10 – purl across
Row 11 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (22sts)
Row 12 – purl across
Row 13 – k1 [k2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, k1 (12sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the back tight. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible). Block as necessary.

Sammy Bonnet PDF

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