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Knitting has always been a passion of mine, but nothing brings me more joy than creating delicate, beautiful pieces for newborns. There’s something so special about the way a hand-knitted item can capture the essence of those first precious days of life. One of my all-time favorite projects is the Sophia Bonnet, a mohair lace newborn photo prop that has become a staple in my knitting repertoire.

Discovering the Perfect Yarn: KnitPicks Aloft

The Sophia Bonnet is a dreamy, ethereal piece that makes for a stunning newborn photography prop. The magic of this bonnet lies in its simplicity and the choice of yarn. For this project, I always turn to my trusted favorite, KnitPicks Aloft. This luxurious mohair yarn, blended with silk, gives the bonnet a soft, fluffy halo effect that’s perfect for capturing those tender newborn moments. You can purchase this yarn here.

The Love Affair with KnitPicks Aloft

When I first stumbled upon KnitPicks Aloft, it was love at first sight. The yarn is incredibly light and airy, yet it has a wonderful strength that makes it perfect for intricate lace patterns. It comes in a variety of beautiful colors, from soft pastels to rich, vibrant hues. For the Sophia Bonnet, I often find myself gravitating towards the delicate shades of blush and ivory, which add a timeless elegance to the finished piece. Shop Aloft here.

The Joy of Knitting the Sophia Bonnet

Creating the Sophia Bonnet is a meditative process for me. The lace pattern, though simple, requires just enough attention to keep me engaged without being overwhelming. As I work through the delicate stitches, I can’t help but marvel at how the yarn glides effortlessly through my fingers, creating a fabric that’s both delicate and durable. Each stitch is a labor of love, a tiny piece of my heart woven into the fabric.

Versatility and Styling

One of the things I love most about the Sophia Bonnet is its versatility. It can be dressed up or down, depending on the occasion. For a classic, timeless look, I often pair it with a simple white onesie and a soft blanket. For a more whimsical feel, I might add a floral headband or a tiny bow. No matter how it’s styled, the bonnet always adds a touch of elegance and charm to any newborn photo shoot.

Perfect for All Skill Levels

The Sophia Bonnet is also a wonderful project for knitters of all skill levels. The lace pattern is easy to follow, making it an excellent choice for beginners looking to try their hand at lace knitting. More experienced knitters will appreciate the opportunity to work with such a luxurious yarn and create a piece that’s both beautiful and functional.

A Labor of Love

Over the years, I’ve knit countless Sophia Bonnets, each one a unique work of art. I’ve given them as gifts to friends and family, and I’ve sold them in my Etsy shop. Each time I see a photo of a newborn wearing one of my bonnets, I’m filled with a sense of pride and joy. Knowing that my work is a part of someone’s cherished memories is truly the greatest reward.

Pairing with the Sophia Sleep Cap and Romper

The Sophia Bonnet isn’t just a standalone piece; it pairs beautifully with the Sophia Sleep Cap and Sophia Romper. These coordinating pieces create a cohesive, polished look that’s perfect for newborn photo sessions. The Sophia Sleep Cap, with its delicate lace edging and snug fit, keeps baby’s head warm and cozy, while the Sophia Romper, with its intricate lace panels and soft texture, adds an extra layer of charm and sophistication. Together, these pieces make a stunning ensemble that’s sure to be a hit with parents and photographers alike.

Why I Knit

As I reflect on my journey with the Sophia Bonnet, I’m reminded of why I fell in love with knitting in the first place. There’s something incredibly satisfying about taking a skein of yarn and transforming it into a beautiful, functional piece. It’s a creative outlet that allows me to express my love for my craft and share it with others. And with KnitPicks Aloft, I’ve found a yarn that truly brings my vision to life.

An Invitation to Knit

If you’re a knitter looking for a new project, I encourage you to give the Sophia Bonnet a try. It’s a rewarding, satisfying knit that will bring joy to you and the families who receive it. And if you’re a photographer or a parent looking for a beautiful, handmade prop for your newborn photos, look no further. The Sophia Bonnet, with its delicate lace pattern and luxurious mohair texture, is sure to become a cherished keepsake.


In closing, the Sophia Bonnet is more than just a knitting pattern. It’s a labor of love, a testament to the beauty of handmade items, and a reminder of the joy that comes from creating something with your own two hands. Whether you’re knitting for your own little one, a friend, or a customer, I hope the Sophia Bonnet brings you as much joy as it has brought me. Happy knitting!

Materials and Info

Materials: 60-150 yds of lace weight (size 0) mohair yarn (I used knitpicks aloft), size 7 (4.5mm) straight needles, yarn needle, 2 stitch markers


Abbreviation Key:
K – knit

P – purl

yo – yarn over

k2tog – knit 2 together

sl – slip st knitwise

psso – pass slipped stitch over

p2tog – purl 2 together

Head circumference: nb (13ins). 0-3mths (14ins), 3-6mth (15ins), 6- 12mths (16ins)

Sophia Bonnet Pattern

Cast on 53sts.
Row 1 (right side)– k2 [yo, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1] repeat [to] across to last stitch, k1
Row 2 (wrong side) – purl across
Row 3 – k2[k1, yo, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo, k2] repeat [to] across to last stitch, k1
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k2 [k2, yo, k1, sl1, k2tog, psso, k1, yo, k3] repeat [to] across to last stitch, k1
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k2[k3, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k4] repeat [to] across to last stitch, k1
Row 8 – purl across
Work rows 1-8 one more time.
Work in stockinette st until your work measures 3.5ins from the cast on edge ending after completing a right side row.
Set up row – p1, p2tog, p47, p2tog, p1 (51sts)
Place one stitch marker on either end of the row just completed.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k5] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1(44sts)
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (37sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (30sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (23sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (16sts)
Row 10 – purl across
Row 11 – p1 [p2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, p1 (9sts)
Do not bind off.
Cut yarn leaving appx 12ins and pull through remaining stitches. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible).
Cut 6 pieces of yarn approximately 30ins long. Fold 3 in half and pull a loop through the front corner of the bonnet. Pull the ends through this loop. Repeat on the other front corner.

Cast on 57sts.
Row 1 (right side) – k4 [yo, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1] repeat [to] across to last 3 stitches, k3
Row 2 (wrong side) – purl across
Row 3 – k4 [k1, yo, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo, k2] repeat [to] across to last 3 stitches, k3
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k4 [k2, yo, k1, sl1, k2tog, psso, k1, yo, k3] repeat [to] across to last 3 stitches, k3
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k4 [k3, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k4] repeat [to] across to last 3 stitches, k3
Row 8 – purl across
Work rows 1-8 one more time.
Work in stockinette st until your work measures 4ins from the cast on edge ending after completing a right side row.
Set up row – p2 [p9,p2tog] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 p1 (51sts)
Place one stitch marker on either end of the row just completed.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k5] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1(44sts)
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (37sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (30sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (23sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (16sts)
Row 10 – purl across
Row 11 – p1 [p2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, p1 (9sts)
Do not bind off.
Cut yarn leaving appx 12ins and pull through remaining stitches. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible).
Cut 6 pieces of yarn approximately 30ins long. Fold 3 in half and pull a loop through the front corner of the bonnet. Pull the ends through this loop. Repeat on the other front corner.

Cast on 63sts.
Row 1 (right side)– k2 [yo, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1] repeat [to] across to last st, k1
Row 2 (wrong side) – purl across
Row 3 – k2 [k1, yo, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo, k2] repeat [to] across to last st, k1
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k2 [k2, yo, k1, sl1, k2tog, psso, k1, yo, k3] repeat [to] across to last st, k1
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k2 [k3, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k4] repeat [to] across to last st, k1
Row 8 – purl across
Work rows 1-8 one more time.
Work in stockinette st until your work measures 4.5ins from the cast on edge ending after completing a right side row.
Set up row – p2, [p10, p2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, p1 (58sts)
Place one stitch marker on either end of the row just completed.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k5] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1(50sts)
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (42sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (34sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (26sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (18sts)
Row 10 – purl across
Row 11 – p1 [p2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, p1 (10sts)
Do not bind off.
Cut yarn leaving appx 12ins and pull through remaining stitches. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible).
Cut 6 pieces of yarn approximately 30ins long. Fold 3 in half and pull a loop through the front corner of the bonnet. Pull the ends through this loop. Repeat on the other front corner.

Cast on 67sts.
Row 1 (right side) – k4 [yo, k3, sl1, k2tog, psso, k3, yo, k1] repeat [to] across to last 2 stitches, k3
Row 2 (wrong side) – purl across
Row 3 – k4 [k1, yo, k2, sl1, k2tog, psso, k2, yo, k2] repeat [to] across to last 2 stitches, k3
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k4 [k2, yo, k1, sl1, k2tog, psso, k1, yo, k3] repeat [to] across to last 2 stitches, k3
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k4 [k3, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, k4] repeat [to] across to last 2 stitches, k3
Row 8 – purl across
Work rows 1-8 one more time.
Work in stockinette st until your work measures 5ins from the cast on edge ending after completing a side row.
Set up row – p1, p2tog, p61, p2tog, p1 (65sts)
Place one stitch marker on either end of the row just completed.
Row 1 – k1 [k2tog, k5] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1(56sts)
Row 2 – purl across
Row 3 – k1 [k2tog, k4] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (47sts)
Row 4 – purl across
Row 5 – k1 [k2tog, k3] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (38sts)
Row 6 – purl across
Row 7 – k1 [k2tog, k2] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (29sts)
Row 8 – purl across
Row 9 – k1 [k2tog, k1] repeat [to] across to last sts, k1 (20sts)
Row 10 – purl across
Row 11 – p1 [p2tog] repeat [to] across to last st, p1 (11sts)
Do not bind off.
Cut yarn leaving appx 12ins and pull through remaining stitches. Using this end sew the crown together to your stitch markers. (I like to use the mattress stitch since it is nearly invisible).
Cut 6 pieces of yarn approximately 30ins long. Fold 3 in half and pull a loop through the front corner of the bonnet. Pull the ends through this loop. Repeat on the other front corner.

Sophia Bonnet PDF

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