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Welcome to another delightful addition to our knitting blog, where we explore creative and heartwarming projects for your little ones. Today, we’re diving into the world of stuffed mini teddy bears—a perfect photography prop or gift for newborns. Whether you’re an experienced knitter or just getting started, this project is sure to bring joy and satisfaction as you create a cherished keepsake for a special baby in your life.

The Magic of Handcrafted Gifts

In a world where mass-produced items dominate the market, there’s something truly special about a handmade gift. A stuffed mini teddy bear, lovingly knitted with your own hands, carries a warmth and personal touch that no store-bought toy can match. Each stitch is a labor of love, and the finished product is a testament to your dedication and care.

For new parents, a hand-knitted teddy bear can become a treasured memento of their baby’s early days. It’s a gift that can be passed down through generations, creating a legacy of love and craftsmanship. And for photographers, these mini teddy bears make for the most adorable props, adding a touch of whimsy and comfort to newborn photoshoots.

Why Worsted Weight Yarn?

When it comes to knitting a stuffed toy, the choice of yarn is crucial. Worsted weight yarn is an excellent option for this project for several reasons:

  1. Durability: Worsted weight yarn is known for its durability, which is essential for a toy that will likely be handled frequently by little hands. It can withstand the rigors of playtime and still look as good as new.
  2. Softness: While durability is important, you also want a yarn that is soft and gentle against a baby’s delicate skin. Worsted weight yarn strikes the perfect balance, providing a cozy and comforting texture.
  3. Versatility: This type of yarn is versatile and comes in a wide range of colors and fibers, allowing you to customize your teddy bear to your liking. Whether you prefer natural fibers like wool or synthetic options like acrylic, you’ll find plenty of choices to suit your needs.
  4. Ease of Use: For knitters of all skill levels, worsted weight yarn is easy to work with. It’s not too thin or too bulky, making it an ideal choice for a project that requires precision and detail.

Creating the Perfect Photography Prop

Newborn photography has become an art form, capturing the innocence and beauty of a baby’s earliest days. Props play a significant role in creating captivating and memorable images, and a mini teddy bear can be the perfect addition to your setup.

Here are a few tips on how to use your knitted teddy bear as a photography prop:

  1. Size Matters: Ensure that your teddy bear is appropriately sized for a newborn. It should be small enough to be held by the baby or placed gently beside them without overwhelming the shot.
  2. Color Coordination: Choose yarn colors that complement the overall theme and color scheme of your photoshoot. Soft pastels, neutral tones, or classic shades like baby blue and pink are always a hit.
  3. Placement: Experiment with different placements for your teddy bear. It can be positioned in the baby’s hands, nestled next to them, or even used as a focal point in the background.
  4. Safety First: Always prioritize the baby’s safety and comfort. Ensure that the teddy bear is securely knitted and free of any loose parts that could pose a choking hazard.

A Cherished Gift for Newborns

Beyond its use as a photography prop, a knitted mini teddy bear makes for a wonderful gift for newborns. Here’s why:

  1. Personal Touch: Hand-knitting a teddy bear allows you to infuse your personal touch into every stitch. You can choose the yarn, customize the colors, and even add little details like a ribbon or embroidered initials.
  2. Comfort and Cuddles: Babies love soft and cuddly toys, and a knitted teddy bear is perfect for providing comfort and companionship. It can become a beloved bedtime buddy or a soothing presence during naptime.
  3. Heirloom Quality: A hand-knitted teddy bear is not just a toy; it’s a keepsake. As the baby grows, they’ll cherish the fact that their first teddy bear was made with love by someone special. It’s a gift that can be passed down and cherished for years to come.

Tips for Knitting Your Mini Teddy Bear

Before you get started on your knitting project, here are a few tips to ensure success:

  1. Pattern Selection: Choose a pattern that suits your skill level and preferences. There are plenty of free patterns available online, ranging from simple designs to more intricate ones.
  2. Gauge Matters: Pay attention to the gauge specified in the pattern. This ensures that your teddy bear will turn out the correct size and proportion.
  3. Stuffing: Use high-quality stuffing to give your teddy bear a nice, even shape. Polyester fiberfill is a popular choice, but you can also use natural options like wool roving.
  4. Finishing Touches: Take your time with the finishing touches. Embroider the eyes, nose, and mouth carefully to give your teddy bear a sweet and friendly expression.


Knitting a stuffed mini teddy bear is a delightful project that combines creativity, craftsmanship, and love. Whether you’re making it as a photography prop or a gift for a newborn, this adorable little bear is sure to bring smiles and warmth to everyone who encounters it. So, gather your supplies, choose your favorite yarn, and get ready to create a cherished keepsake that will be treasured for years to come.

Happy knitting!

Materials and Info

Materials: Worsted weight yarn, size 4 (3.5mm) double pointed needles, yarn needle, accent color for facial feature

Stitch Key:

co- cast on                               

bo- bind off

k- knit                                             

kfb – knit front and back

k2tog – knit 2 together                      

st – stitch

sts – stitches

Note: Some people prefer to stuff the pieces as they go.  If you are doing that Some have suggested stuffing before the decreases on each piece.  It will make it a little easier to stuff when you have a slightly bigger opening.  You may also find it less tedious if you sew the pieces on as you go.

Stuffed Teddy Bear Pattern


CO 11sts leaving a long tail

Round 1 – k around

Round 2 – kfb around (22sts)

Rounds 3-14 – knit around

Round 15 – k2tog around (11sts)

BO leaving a long tail

Legs (make 2)

CO 8sts leaving a long tail

Round 1 – k around

Round 2 – kfb around (16sts)

Rounds 3-17 – k around

Round 18 – k2tog around (8sts)

Do not bind off.  Cut yarn, leaving several inches, and pull through remaining sts.  Cinch tight and finish off.

Arms (make 2)

CO 6sts leaving a long tail

Round 1 – k around

Round 2 – kfb around (12sts)

Rounds 3-11 – k around

Round 12 – k2tog around (6sts)

Do not bind off.  Cut yarn, leaving several inches, and pull through remaining sts.  Cinch tight and finish off.


CO 12sts leaving a long tail

Round 1 – k around

Round 2 – kfb around (24sts)

Rounds 3-13 – k around

Round 14 – k2tog around (12sts)

Round 15 – [k2tog, k1] repeat around (8sts)

Round 16 – k2tog around (4sts)

Do not bind off.  Cut yarn, leaving several inches, and pull through remaining sts.  Cinch tight and finish off.

Ears (make 2)

CO 8sts

Rounds 1-3 – k around

Round 4 – [k2tog]  around (4sts)

Do not bind off.  Cut yarn, leaving several inches, and pull through remaining sts.  Cinch tight and finish off.

Using your accent color make french knots for eyes, satin stitch the nose, and embroider the mouth onto the face as pictured.  Stuff each piece (except the ears) firmly.  Cinch closed the arms, legs, head and bottom of the body.  Sew together all the pieces as pictured with a simple whip stitch.  I just “eyeball” the placement of everything.  It’s not an exact science.

Stuffed Teddy Bear PDF

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