In the world of knitting, discovering a pattern that seamlessly blends style with comfort is like finding a treasure trove. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to the Beth Baby Tee, a captivating knit sweater that embodies elegance and ease. With delicate eyelets gracing the ribbing, this pattern adds a touch of sophistication to your wardrobe staples. It also pairs beautifully with Baby Midi Skirt.

The Beauty of Eyelet Detailing

One of the standout features of the Beth Baby Tee is the charming eyelets worked before the ribbing. These subtle yet eye-catching details elevate the sweater’s aesthetic, infusing it with a sense of femininity and grace. Adorning the cuffs, hem, or neckline, the delicate eyelets add a whimsical allure to the garment, making it a standout piece in any collection.

Versatility in Design

What sets the Beth Baby Tee apart is its versatility in design. Whether you prefer a casual, laid-back look or desire a more polished ensemble, this sweater effortlessly transitions from day to night. Pair it with jeans for a relaxed outing, or dress it up with a skirt for a special day with baby. The possibilities are endless, making it a versatile addition to any wardrobe.

Comfortable and Flattering Fit

Crafted with comfort in mind, the Beth Baby Tee boasts a relaxed fit that flatters all body types. Its lightweight construction makes it ideal for layering during transitional seasons or wearing on its own during warmer months. The soft, breathable knit ensures maximum comfort, allowing baby to move freely with ease while exuding effortless style.

A Knitter’s Delight

While the Beth Baby Tee exudes elegance in its design, it also offers a rewarding knitting experience for crafters of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned knitter or just beginning your journey, this pattern provides an enjoyable project that yields beautiful results. From the rhythmic motion of the needles to the satisfaction of seeing your creation come to life, knitting the Beth Baby Tee is a journey filled with joy and creativity.

Let’s Talk Baby Beth Tee Yarn

For our Baby Beth ee Knitting Pattern, we recommend using KnitPicks Heatherly Sport, a luxurious yet practical yarn that’s perfect for your little one’s delicate skin. This easy-care yarn boasts a heavenly softness that’s sure to keep your baby cozy and comfortable all day long. Available in a range of heathered earthy pastels, it adds a touch of subtle elegance to any project, making it ideal for creating adorable baby garments. With its durability and gentle touch, KnitPicks Heatherly Sport is the perfect choice for knitting garments that will stand the test of time while keeping your baby stylish and snug. You can purchase the yarn for this project here.

With its timeless appeal and effortless charm, the Beth Baby Tee is a must-have addition to any knitter’s repertoire. Whether you’re drawn to its delicate eyelet detailing or captivated by its versatile design, this sweater is sure to become a beloved staple in your baby’s wardrobe. Embrace the artistry of handmade craftsmanship and elevate your little one’s style with the Beth Baby Tee.

Materials and Info

Size: 0-3m, 3-6m (6-12m, 12m) 18m, 24m

Materials: Approximately 1, 2 (2, 2) 2, 2 balls of KnitPicks Heatherly (328yds, 100g), needle, stitch markers

Needle Size: 5(US) 3.75mm & 3(US) 3.25mm straight and dpn

Gauge (tension): 24sts & 36 rows to make 10cm square, using size 5(US) 3mm needles

Chest Measurement: 41, 44 (47, 50) 52, 54 cm

METHOD This pattern is a top-down raglan that is worked in the round with 10cm of ease. It features a v-neck and a simple eyelet stripe before the ribbing.

Baby Beth Tee Pattern


Cast on 42, 44 (46, 48) 48, 48 sts in using larger needles.

Join in the round.


Purl 2 (front), pm,

Purl 6 (sleeve), pm,

Purl 26, 28 (30, 32) 32, 32, pm,

Purl 6 (sleeve), pm,

Purl 2 (front)

Now begin Beth lace pattern.


Raglan shaping and neck shaping are worked AT THE SAME TIME so be sure to read both Raglan Shaping and Neck Shaping sections before continuing.

Shape raglan seams by increasing 1 st each side of each marker, a total of 8 sts increased per round.

Work each raglan round as follows:

Inc round/row – [work to 1 st before marker, m1r, k1, sm, k1, m1l] repeat across.

Work raglan increases as described above on every other round 14, 13 (14, 12) 13, 14 times then every 4th round 0, 2 (2, 4) 4, 4 times.

Work 3 rounds in stockinette st with no shaping.


Stitches are increased at the beginning and end of each row to shape the front neck.

Start front neck shaping after working 4 rows after the set-up row:

Increase 1 sts at each end of each right side row 6, 8 (9, 10) 10, 10 times

Then increase at each end of every row 4 rows.

Join in the round


Total stitches: 176, 188 (200, 204) 212, 220

Front/Back: 54, 58 (62, 64) 66, 68

Sleeve: 34, 36 (38, 38) 40, 42


Work across 27, 29 (31, 32) 33, 34 front stitches, remove marker,

place 34, 36 (38, 38) 40, 42 sleeve stitches on stitch holder,

cast on 6, 4 (6, 6) 6, 6 sts, remove marker,

work across 54, 58 (62, 64) 66, 68 back stitches, remove marker,

place 42, 36 (38, 38) 42, 42 sleeve stitches on stitch holder,

cast on 6, 4 (6, 6) 6, 6 sts,

Work across remaining 27, 29 (31, 32) 33, 34 front stitches.

[120, 124 (132, 140) 144, 148 sts]


Continue in Beth Stitch Pattern for 10, 11 (13.5, 15.5) 17, 18.5cms from dividing round.

Switch to smaller needles.

Eyelet round – [yo, p2tog] around.

Work in k1p1 ribbing for 4cms.

Bind off in pattern.


Using larger needles (you may need to use dpn or magic loop),

pick up and knit 4, 3, (4, 4) 4, 4 sts from underarm,

work the 34, 36 (38, 38) 40, 42 sts from stitch holder,

pick up and knit 4, 3 (4, 4) 4, 4 sts from underarm, pm.

[42, 42 (

44, 46) 48, 50 sts]

Continue Working in Beth Stitch Pattern.

Knit 1, 1 (3, 1) 1, 3 rounds.

Next round – decrease 1 stich at each side of marker.

Then decrease each side of marker after working 1, 2 (2, 4) 6, 3 rounds 2, 1 (1, 1) 1, 2 times to 48, 38 (40, 42) 44, 44 sts.

Knit to 1.5, 2 (2.5, 3) 3.5, 3.5cms from underarm.

Change to smaller needle.

Eyelet Round – [yo, p2tog] around

Work in k1p1 ribbing for 2cms.

Bind off in pattern.


With right side facing, using smaller needle (smaller size might require dpn), beginning at the back left raglan, pick up and knit:

6 sts from left sleeve,

18, 20 (22, 24) 24, 24 sts down left front,

1 sts from center front

18, 20 (22, 24) 24, 24 sts up right front,

6 sts, from right sleeve,

27, 29 (31, 33) 33, 33 sts from back.

[76, 82 (88, 94) 94, 94 sts]

Join in the round and place beginning of round marker.

Eyelet round – [yo, p2tog] around

Work in 1x rib, knitting center stitch of front.

Decrease round: work in 1×1 rib until 2 stitches before center stitch, on a round where the next stitch is a knit stitch: ssk, k1, k2tog, on a round where the next stitch is a purl stitch: p2togtbl, k1, p2tog.

Continue in 1×1 rib for 2cms, decreasing as above every other round.

Bind off in pattern.


Weave in all ends and block according.

Stitch Key

K – knit                                                   

P – purl

PM – place marker                                    

SM – slip marker

STS – stitches

YO – yarn over

K2tog -knit 2 stitches together                 

SSK – slip, slip, knit the slipped sts together

M1R – Insert the left needle under the strand that runs between two stitches from back to front, then knit this strand

M1L – Insert the left needle under the strand that runs between two stitches from front to back, then knit this strand through the back loop

P2TOG – purl 2 stitches together

P2TOGTBL – purl 2 stitches together through back loop

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