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Hello, fellow knitters! Today, I’m excited to introduce you to the Vine Slouch Hat, a free knitting pattern perfect for adding a touch of elegance and warmth to your wardrobe. This hat features the beautiful vine lace stitch pattern and is knit with worsted weight superwash wool, making it both stylish and easy to care for.

Design and Fit

The Vine Slouch Hat combines style and practicality, creating an intricate, eye-catching design that suits any season. The worsted weight superwash wool ensures the hat is cozy and durable, while the slouchy fit adds a modern, relaxed vibe to your look. Plus, superwash wool means you can toss it in the washing machine without worrying about shrinking or felting!

Materials Needed

To create the Vine Slouch Hat, you’ll need one skein of worsted weight superwash wool (approximately 200 yards), I used Cascade 220 Superwash. Get the yarn here. US size 7 (4.5mm) circular needles (16 inches long), and double-pointed needles for the crown shaping. You’ll also need a stitch marker, tapestry needle, and scissors. Achieving the correct gauge is important for ensuring your hat fits properly: the gauge for this pattern is 20 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch pattern.

Vine Lace Stitch Pattern

The vine lace stitch pattern is the star of this hat. This beautiful stitch creates a flowing, organic design that looks complicated but is actually quite simple once you get the hang of it. It adds a delicate and feminine touch to the hat, making it a great accessory for dressing up or down. The first time I used this stitch pattern was in Vine Bonnet which you can find the pattern for here.

Why Superwash Wool?

Superwash wool is a fantastic choice for this project for several reasons. Unlike traditional wool, superwash wool can be machine washed, making it perfect for everyday wear. It’s typically softer and less scratchy than regular wool, making it comfortable to wear against the skin. Additionally, the superwash process strengthens the wool fibers, ensuring your hat will last longer and maintain its shape. I used Cascade 220 which you can purchase here. You will only need 1 skein for this project.

Knitting Tips

When knitting the Vine Slouch Hat, remember that blocking your finished hat will help open up the lace pattern and give your hat a professional finish. Remember to choose your size based off of head circumference, not just age. You can also experiment with different colors or yarns to make the hat uniquely yours.

Share Your Creations!

I can’t wait to see your versions of the Vine Slouch Hat! Please share your finished projects on social media and tag me so I can admire and share your work. Your creativity and personal touches always inspire me and the whole knitting community.


The Vine Slouch Hat is a wonderful project for knitters of all levels. Its elegant design and practical features make it a must-have accessory for any wardrobe. Whether you’re making it for yourself or as a gift, this hat is sure to be a hit. Happy knitting, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with the pattern. Stay cozy and stylish with the Vine Slouch Hat!

I hope you enjoy knitting the Vine Slouch Hat as much as I enjoyed designing it. Until next time, happy knitting!

vine slouch

Materials and Info

Yarn – 1 skein Cascade 220 (100g 220yd)

Gauge – 20x28sts per 4x4in or 10x10cm

Needles – 7 (4.5mm) circular and/or dpn

Sizes – (newborn, baby), (toddler, child), (small adult, large adult)

Head Measurement – (30-35, 35-40), (40-45, 45-50), (50-55, 55-60)cms or (12-14, 14-16), (16-18, 18-20), (20-22, 22-24)ins

Other –yarn needle, scissors

Vine Slouch uses a simple eyelet stitch that resembles a climb vine. It’s great for a beginning knitter looking to learn lace. A quick and soothing pattern that is both flattering and comfortable.

Vine Slouch Pattern

Cast on 60 using your favorite stretchy cast on.
Join in the round.
K1p1 around until you have reached 1ins (2.5cms) from cast on edge.
Round 1 – knit around
Round 2 – [k4, (k2tog, yo) eyelet made] repeat around
Round 3 – repeat round 1
Round 4 – [k4, (yo, ssk) eyelet made] repeat around
Repeat rounds 1-4 until your work measures 5ins (12.5cms) ending after completing an even round. Switch to dpn when necessary. From here on out you will keep your eyelets in pattern (using eyelet from round 2 or 4 as needed until you decrease them out)
Round 1 – [k2tog, k4] around (50sts)
Round 2 – [k3, eyelet] around (k3, k2tog, yo OR k3, yo, ssk based upon where you started decreases
Round 3 – [k2tog, k3] around (40sts)
Round 4 – [k2, eyelet] around
Round 5 – [k2tog, k2] around (30sts)
Round 6 – [k1, eyelet] around
Round 7 – [k2tog, k1] around (20sts)
Round 8 – [k2tog] around (10sts)
Round 9 – k2tog
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the top tight. Weave in ends. Block as desired.

Cast on 72 using your favorite stretchy cast on.
Join in the round.
K1p1 around until you have reached 1ins (2.5cms) from cast on edge.
Round 1 – knit around
Round 2 – [k4, (k2tog, yo) eyelet made] repeat around
Round 3 – repeat round 1
Round 4 – [k4, (yo, ssk) eyelet made] repeat around
Repeat rounds 1-4 until your work measures 5.5ins (14cms) ending after completing an even round. Switch to dpn when necessary. From here on out you will keep your eyelets in pattern (using eyelet from round 2 or 4 as needed until you decrease them out)
Round 1 – [k2tog, k4] around (60sts)
Round 2 – [k3, eyelet] around (k3, k2tog, yo OR k3, yo, ssk based upon where you started decreases
Round 3 – [k2tog, k3] around (48sts)
Round 4 – [k2, eyelet] around
Round 5 – [k2tog, k2] around (36sts)
Round 6 – [k1, eyelet] around
Round 7 – [k2tog, k1] around (24sts)
Round 8 – [k2tog] around (12sts)
Round 9 – k2tog
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the top tight. Weave in ends. Block as desired.

Cast on 78 using your favorite stretchy cast on.
Join in the round.
K1p1 around until you have reached 1ins (2.5cms) from cast on edge.
Round 1 – knit around
Round 2 – [k4, (k2tog, yo) eyelet made] repeat around
Round 3 – repeat round 1
Round 4 – [k4, (yo, ssk) eyelet made] repeat around
Repeat rounds 1-4 until your work measures 6ins (15cms) ending after completing an even round. Switch to dpn when necessary. From here on out you will keep your eyelets in pattern (using eyelet from round 2 or 4 as needed until you decrease them out)
Round 1 – [k2tog, k4] around (65sts)
Round 2 – [k3, eyelet] around (k3, k2tog, yo OR k3, yo, ssk based upon where you started decreases
Round 3 – [k2tog, k3] around (52sts)
Round 4 – [k2, eyelet] around
Round 5 – [k2tog, k2] around (39sts)
Round 6 – [k1, eyelet] around
Round 7 – [k2tog, k1] around (26sts)
Round 8 – [k2tog] around (13sts)
Round 9 – [k2tog] around to last st, k1 (7sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the top tight. Weave in ends. Block as desired.

Cast on 90 using your favorite stretchy cast on.
Join in the round.
K1p1 around until you have reached 1.25ins (3cms) from cast on edge.
Round 1 – knit around
Round 2 – [k4, (k2tog, yo) eyelet made] repeat around
Round 3 – repeat round 1
Round 4 – [k4, (yo, ssk) eyelet made] repeat around
Repeat rounds 1-4 until your work measures 7ins (17.5cms) ending after completing an even round. Switch to dpn when necessary. From here on out you will keep your eyelets in pattern (using eyelet from round 2 or 4 as needed until you decrease them out)
Round 1 – [k2tog, k4] around (75sts)
Round 2 – [k3, eyelet] around (k3, k2tog, yo OR k3, yo, ssk based upon where you started decreases
Round 3 – [k2tog, k3] around (60sts)
Round 4 – [k2, eyelet] around
Round 5 – [k2tog, k2] around (45sts)
Round 6 – [k1, eyelet] around
Round 7 – [k2tog, k1] around (30sts)
Round 8 – [k2tog] around (15sts)
Round 9 – [k2tog] around to last st, k1 (8sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the top tight. Weave in ends. Block as desired.

Cast on 102 using your favorite stretchy cast on.
Join in the round.
K1p1 around until you have reached 1.5ins (3.75cms) from cast on edge.
Round 1 – knit around
Round 2 – [k4, (k2tog, yo) eyelet made] repeat around
Round 3 – repeat round 1
Round 4 – [k4, (yo, ssk) eyelet made] repeat around
Repeat rounds 1-4 until your work measures 8ins (20cms) ending after completing an even round. Switch to dpn when necessary. From here on out you will keep your eyelets in pattern (using eyelet from round 2 or 4 as needed until you decrease them out)
Round 1 – [k2tog, k4] around (85sts)
Round 2 – [k3, eyelet] around (k3, k2tog, yo OR k3, yo, ssk based upon where you started decreases
Round 3 – [k2tog, k3] around (68sts)
Round 4 – [k2, eyelet] around
Round 5 – [k2tog, k2] around (51sts)
Round 6 – [k1, eyelet] around
Round 7 – [k2tog, k1] around (34sts)
Round 8 – [k2tog] around (17sts)
Round 9 – [k2tog] around to last st, k1 (9sts)
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the top tight. Weave in ends. Block as desired.

Cast on 108 using your favorite stretchy cast on.
Join in the round.
K1p1 around until you have reached 1.5ins (3.75cms) from cast on edge.
Round 1 – knit around
Round 2 – [k4, (k2tog, yo) eyelet made] repeat around
Round 3 – repeat round 1
Round 4 – [k4, (yo, ssk) eyelet made] repeat around
Repeat rounds 1-4 until your work measures 9ins (22.5cms) ending after completing an even round. Switch to dpn when necessary. From here on out you will keep your eyelets in pattern (using eyelet from round 2 or 4 as needed until you decrease them out)
Round 1 – [k2tog, k4] around (90sts)
Round 2 – [k3, eyelet] around (k3, k2tog, yo OR k3, yo, ssk based upon where you started decreases
Round 3 – [k2tog, k3] around (72sts)
Round 4 – [k2, eyelet] around
Round 5 – [k2tog, k2] around (54sts)
Round 6 – [k1, eyelet] around
Round 7 – [k2tog, k1] around (36sts)
Round 8 – [k2tog] around (18sts)
Round 9 – k2tog
Do not bind off. Cut yarn leaving appx -10ins. Pull yarn through remaining stitches and cinch the top tight. Weave in ends. Block as desired.

Stitch Key

k – knit
P – purl
sl – slip stitch
st – stitch
yo – yarn over
k2tog -knit 2 stitches together
ssk – slip, next st knitwise, slip next st knitwise, place stitches back onto left needle, knit both slipped sts together

Download Vine Slouch PDF

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