It’s funny, people have been asking me to start a blog for years but I always said no.

“I don’t have time.”

“I’m not a great writer.”

“I’m nobody. Who cares what I have to say!”

I came up with every excuse why I couldn’t and shouldn’t make a blog. And yet, here I am, in 2022, deciding to do it. So what changed?

Well, I’m in the process of closing my knits etsy shop, Knit in the Womb. It took nearly all of my time away from my family. And with our homestead only a few months from being purchased and built, I will need time to work on our farm so something had to give and the children are staying. 😉 So I have more time to spend typing once or twice a week. I can’t use that excuse anymore.

knit in the womb blog introduction

My inbox is normally pretty full of questions. People are curious about how a family of 10 works. They also ask me questions to glean from my experience about pregnancy, babies, toddlers, cooking for kids with allergies, homeschooling, discipling our kids, how to grade knitting patterns, general knitting questions, and so much more.

I realize now, that people DO care what I have to say because of my experiences. I decided to take what the Lord has taught me in life and the wisdom it has left with and share that with you.

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. My life isn’t about me. It’s about you. And if my story can encourage just 1 person than I have run my race well.

So what can you expect to see here?


Although I don’t plan on preaching, my whole world view is shaped by my faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So everything I say and do revolves around magnifying Him.


We have 8 kids. I know people wonder what that looks like and how we function on a day-to-day basis, not because you necessarily want that for yourself but shear curiosity. So you will get peeks here and there of life with 8 kids. But usually that will be related to knitting because they love to be models for my knits.


Although we don’t have our homestead yet, we are purchasing land in the coming weeks and building our house in the coming months. And I want to share the reality of building a homestead, not the picture perfect stuff you see on tiktok and pinterest. You’re going to see me succeed and fail in projects and learn as we learn. I think sharing our mistakes and ugly REAL projects helps us all gain wisdom and knowledge.


Knitting is a huge part of my life so all of my knitting adventure, whether they be of my own design or not I will share here. You will see left-handed knitting tutorials (if you didn’t know already, I’m a lefty knitter). I’ll make sure to link patterns and materials so you can make your own pretty knits! This will be the main focus of this blog coupled with homesteading because honestly, they go hand-in-hand with our traditional lifestyle.

I truly cannot wait to go on this blog journey with you. I’m done with the excuses. It’s time to step up and step out!

Be blessed friend!

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